As an actively paying member of the SSS, either as a worker in the private sector or as an individually-paying member (self-employed, voluntary, OFW, non-working spouse), you and your beneficiaries are assured of prompt, convenient, reliable, and meaningful social protection today and in the future. The SSS commits to provide all members with adequate social security benefits on time, especially in times of contingencies such as sickness, maternity, disability, old age, death, and even unemployment.​

There are two (2) types of coverage under the regular SSS Program: Compulsory and Voluntary.

Read about Compulsory Coverage.
Read about Voluntary Coverage.

Be an SSS Member

A person who will register and secure a Social Security (SS) Number for the first time should: 

If without SS Number yet: 

  • Apply for SS number thru the SSS website; or
  • Apply for SS number thru electronic center (E-Center) of SSS branch.

Effective July 15, 2020, the SSS has enforced the mandatory online registration to provide prospective employee (EE), self-employed (SE), non-working spouse (NWS), and overseas Filipino worker (OFW) members with faster, safer, more convenient, and economical means to apply for SSS membership and be issued an SS Number. This digitalization effort is also in compliance with Republic Act No. 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018.

Here’s the step-by-step procedure on:

  • How to apply for SS Number online and;
  • Create a My.SSS account:

  1. Go to Apply for an SS Number online.
  2. Read the procedures, then click “Start.”
  3. Accomplish all required fields in the Registrant Record Verification. Under Security, tick “I’m not a robot.” and “I certify that above information are true and correct,” then click “Submit.” (Note: Make sure to read the SSS Data Privacy Notice.)
  4. Check the information sent to your email, then click the link provided to proceed with your SS Number Application.  The link is valid for five (5) calendar days only and once it expires, you need to submit a new application online. (Note: Please check your spam or junk mail folder in case the email notification is not in your inbox.)
  5. Supply all the required Basic and Contact Information and Home Address, then choose your Purpose of Registration. Click SaveOKNext.
  6. Supply all the required Social Status and Place of Birth details. Click Save → OKNext. (Note: You may click “Previous” to view or edit your encoded details.)
  7. Supply the details of Beneficiary (ies), such as the Father, Spouse, Child (ren), and other beneficiaries, if applicable. Click SaveOKNext. (Note: You may click “Previous” to view or edit your encoded details.)
  8. Provide your preferred My.SSS User ID then encode your Height (cm) and Weight (kg) for the Personal Record Application. Click SaveOKNext.
  9. Review and correct your entries. Click “Generate SS Number” then “Yes” to confirm that all information are true and correct. (Note: Once SS number is already generated, you will need to go to the SSS branch to correct any wrong information.)
  10. Choose from the list of supporting documents to be uploaded for the tagging of the SS number to “Application thru the SSS Web/Mobile App – With Approved Supporting Documents.” Upload a readable colored image in JPEG or PDF of your chosen document with a maximum file size of 3MB, then click “Submit.” (Note: You may proceed without submitting any documentary requirement. However, if you wish to submit, a notification bar will appear. Click “Proceed.”)
  11. Check the SS Number Online Application Confirmation sent to your email, together with the following attachments:
    1. SS Number Slip
    2. Transaction Number Slip
    3. E-1/E-6 Form
System shall display the generated SS Number and option to print/download the Personal Record/Unified Multipurpose ID Card Application (E-1/E-6), SS Transaction Number Slip and SS Number Slip. An email confirmation comprising the same shall also be received.
  1. Check the SSS Web Registation activation link sent to your email. Click the link for the nomination of your My.SSS account password. (Note: The link to create a My.SSS account will only be valid for 30 calendar days. Once it expires, you need to register in the My.SSS using the Transaction Number shown in your E-1 as your registration preference.)

Prior Registrants

Prior registrants are individuals who have been issued SSS numbers but have no contributions yet under their account, such as those who are still looking for employment. 

A prospective employee (EE) shall be reported for coverage by his/her employer (ER).  SSS coverage of EE shall take effect on the first day of his/her employment.

An individual who is entering into self-employment shall register with SSS as a Self-Employed Member. However, if they already have an SS Number under a different membership category (e.g., employed, overseas Filipino worker), they must must submit a Member Data Change Request (SS Form E-4) if they wish to change their membership to Self-Employed.

Change or update your membership information

Change from Temporary to Permanent SS Number

An SS Number tagged as “Temporary” means that it can be used for contribution purposes only. To become eligible for benefits or loans, the member must have an SS Number tagged as “Permanent.” To change this status, the member must submit/present his/her PSA-issued Birth Certificate, or other primary documents:


  1. UMID Card (SSS/GSIS)
  2. Philippine Identification (PhilD) Card
  3. Alien Certificate of registration
  4. Driver’s License
  5. Firearm Registration
  6. License to Own and Possess Firearms
  7. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
  8. Passport
  9. Permit to Carry Firearms Outside of Residence
  10. Postal ID Card
  11. Seafarer’s Identification & Record Book (Seaman’s Book)
  12. Voter’s ID card


  • ID cards/documents must bear the complete name, clear signature, and clear and recognizable photograph, and must have the official English translation by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate (for ID cards/documents issued by foreign government and in foreign language/s).
  • In the absence of a primary ID card/document, filer shall present/submit any two (2) ID cards/documents, both with signature and at least one (1) with photo.
  • Expired ID cards/documents shall only be accepted for the following transactions:
    • Retirement
    • Disability
    • Death
    • Funeral
    • Pension Administration (ACOP, pension loan, and other pension maintenance)
  • Authorized Company Representative (ACR) Card shall be the only acceptable ID card/document for Company Representative since they are no longer required to present and submit Letter of Authority (LOA)/Special Power of Attorney (SPA).
  • LOA or SPA shall be required and submitted for transactions filed by representative on behalf of individual/employer and shall be valid for six (6) months (if issued in the Philippines) or one (1) year if issued abroad from the date signed unless validity is explicitly stated or revoked by individual/employer.

See list of required supporting documents


Changing your membership type

a. From covered EE/OFW/VM/NWS/Prior Registrant to SE – Accomplish the Member Data Change Request Form (SSS Form E-4) then submit to the nearest SSS Branch.

b. From covered EE/OFW/SE to VM – There is no need to accomplish any form nor present any supporting document. When generating the Payment Reference Number (PRN) through SSS online facilities such as My.SSS and SSS Mobile App, prior to payment of contributions, member should choose “Voluntary Member” as Membership Type. This will automatically change the membership status of the member and shall be deemed as declaration that he/she has ceased to be an EE, SE, or an OFW member, and/or that he/she did not have any income or earnings either as such in the period for which VM contributions were paid.

c. From covered EE/SE/VM/NWS/Prior Registrant to OFW – There is no need to accomplish any form nor present any supporting document.  Overseas Filipinos who are already SSS members (i.e., with SS Number) prior to deployment abroad can immediately resume payment of contributions using the Payment Reference Number (PRN) and payor type is Overseas Filipino Worker. This shall automatically trigger change in his/her coverage status from EE/SE/VM/Prior Registrant to OFW-member once payment is validated.  This shall also be deemed as the OFW-member’s declaration that he/she has been separated from employment with previous ERs in the Philippines and/or has ceased to be an SE.


Changing or updating your information

Here’s a list of change requests and the required supporting documents. See list of supporting documents

Correction of Name and/or Date of Birth

  • Birth Certificate or Passport
  • In the absence of the Birth Certificate and Passport, the following are the required ID cards and/or documents:
    1. Certificate of Non-Availability of Birth Records from the City or Municipal Civil Registrar or Philippine Statistics Authority/NSO, or National Archives, for the alleged correct name/date of birth; and
    2. Any two (2) of the following, both with the correct name and at least one (1) with date of birth: See list of supporting documents

Correction of date of birth and submitted birth certificate is registered after the 55th birthday – two (2) ID cards and/or documents as listed above.

Correction to totally different name/middle name (except if due to naturalization) – Joint affidavit of two (2) persons who have personal knowledge of the circumstances on the use of the different name/middle name, stating therein that the two (2) names refer to one and the same person and the reason why the name was used.

Correction of name due to naturalization from Filipino citizenship to foreign citizenship or vice-versa – any of the following:

  • Certificate of Naturalization issued by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration
  • Any foreign government issued ID cards and/or documents showing the new name (e.g. Passport, Driver’s License)

Correction of name due to re-marriage – New Marriage Contract/Certificate and any of the following, whichever is applicable:

  • Death Certificate of Spouse, if due to death of previously reported spouse
  • Certificate of Finality of Annulment/Nullity or annotated Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate, if due to annulled or void marriage with previously reported spouse
  • Court Order on Declaration of Presumptive Death, if previously reported spouse is presumed dead
  • Decree of Divorce and Certificate of Naturalization (granted before divorce) or its equivalent, if due to divorce with previously reported spouse
  • Certificate of Divorce (OCRG Form No. 102), if due to divorce of Muslim member with previously reported spouse

Correction of sex/gender – any of the following, whichever is applicable:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Member’s copy of Personal Record (SS Forms E-1, RS-1, OW-1, NW-1) duly received by the SSS wherein the correct sex is indicated
  • Court Order granting petition for correction of sex, if with erroneous entry of sex in Birth Certificate

Changing of civil status – any of the following, whichever is applicable:

  • From single to married – Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate
  • From married to legally separated – Decree of Legal Separation
  • From married to widowed
    1. Death Certificate of spouse, if due to death of previously reported spouse
    2. Court Order on the Declaration of Presumptive Death, if previously reported spouse is presumed dead
  • For reversion from married to single
    1. If legally married to previously reported spouse
      1. Certificate of Finality of Annulment/Nullity or annotated Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate, if due to annulled or void marriage with previously reported spouse
      2. Decree of Divorce and Certificate of Naturalization (granted before divorce) or its equivalent, if due to divorce with previously reported spouse
      3. Certificate of Divorce (OCRG Form No. 102), if due to divorce of Muslim member with previously reported spouse
    2. If not legally married to previously reported spouse
      1. Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from PSA/NSO; and
      2. Affidavit executed by the member attesting to the facts of the non-existence or marriage between him/her and the previously reported spouse.

Updating of Bank Information – any one (1) of the following (must be single savings or current account only)

  • Passbook
  • For ATM, machine-validated deposit slip showing the name and bank account number of member
  • Any document showing the member’s name and bank account number (e.g. print-out of online banking transaction, bank statement)

Updating of Dependents/Beneficiaries

  • For reporting of new/additional dependent/beneficiary
    1. If spouse – Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate, or a copy of Member Data Change Request Form (SS Form E-4) of the spouse, duly received by the SSS, wherein the name of the member requesting the change is reported as the spouse
    2. If child/children – Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate, or its equivalent, or Decree of Adoption
  • For Deletion of previously reported dependent/beneficiary
    1. If spouse – any of the following, whichever is applicable:
      1. Decree of Legal Separation, if legally separated with previously reported spouse
      2. Death Certificate of spouse, if due to death of previously reported spouse
      3. Certificate of Finality of Annulment/Nullity or annotated Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate, if due to annulled or void marriage with previously reported spouse
      4. Court Order on Declaration of Presumptive Death, if previously reported spouse is presumed dead
      5. Decree of Divorce and Certificate of Naturalization (granted before divorce) or its equivalent, if due to divorce with previously reported spouse
      6. Certificate of Divorce (OCRG Form No. 102), if due to divorce of Muslim member with previously reported spouse
    2. If parent/s – Death Certificate, if previously reported parent/s is/are already dead
    3. If other beneficiary/ies – No required document/s

Note: The following required documents should be the original or certified true copy issued by the City or Municipal Civil Registrar or Philippine Statistics Authority/National Statistics Office:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate
  3. Death Certificate

All ID Cards and/or documents with English translation issued by foreign governments are acceptable.

Frequently Asked Questions

When a person has secured an SS Number, does it mean that he/she is already an SSS member and has the right to social security benefits?

No. Securing an SS number does not automatically mean a person is already covered as a member. An employed worker becomes a covered SSS member when the ER submits an employment report and has paid at least one (1) contribution on behalf of the EE. An SE, OFW or NWS becomes a covered SSS member when at least one (1) contribution has been paid.

Can a person who has secured an SS Number but has no employer yet, already pay contributions on his/her own as a Voluntary Member?

No. A VM is one who already has at least one (1) month contribution as a previous EE, SE, or OFW member and thus, has an existing Date of Coverage (DOC), which is essential in determining a member’s eligibility for benefits. Paying initial contributions as a VM will render them void and subject to refund.

On the other hand, an OFW/SE who has secured an SS Number may already proceed with the payment of contributions as an OFW/SE using the issued SS Number.

Can a member withdraw membership with the SSS?

No. Membership with the SSS is for life. However, a member who was separated from employment or ceased to be an SE or OFW has the option to continue paying SSS contributions as a VM to maintain his/her right to the full benefits being provided by the SSS.

Even when there are periods when no contributions are remitted, the benefits and loan privileges provided by the SSS can still be availed of, as long as the member meets the qualifying conditions for entitlement thereto.

What happens to the coverage of a member who has received a lump sum benefit for permanent total disability?

The recipient of a lump sum benefit for total permanent disability who is re-employed or has resumed self-employment not earlier than one (1) year from date of disability, shall again be subject to compulsory coverage and shall be considered a new member, provided that he/she is not over 60 years of age at the time of re-employment or resumption of self-employment.

When a member loses or cannot remember his/her SS Number, should he/she secure another SS Number?

No. The SS Number assigned to a member/person is the lifetime number and must always be used in all transactions with the SSS. Verification of a previously issued SS Number can be requested at the nearest SSS Office. The member should never secure another SS Number, as having more than one (1) SS Number will cause delay in the processing of claim for benefits or loans in the future. Thus, it is important to have only one (1) SS Number.

However, in cases when a member has multiple SS Numbers, he/she must request for cancellation of the excess SS Numbers as soon as possible to consolidate and transfer all member records (e.g., employment history, contributions, monthly salary credits, benefits, and loan records, etc.) to the retained SS Number, including the updating of date of coverage, if necessary.

The SS Number to be retained is determined based on the following order of priority:

  • with issued SS ID/Unified Multi Purpose Identification (UMID) card, or with pending application for UMID card
  • with the greatest number of posted contributions
  • with most recent posted contributions; or
  • with earliest issued SS Number.

For members with settled final claim, the SS Number used in the benefit settlement shall be retained.