The Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) is a government program designed to provide a compensation package to public and private sector employees and/or their dependents, as well as self-employed members of the SSS, in the event of work-related sickness, injury, or death.


Who are covered under ECP?

Private sector workers who are compulsory members of the Social Security System (SSS), including sea-based Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), house helpers and self-employed members, are included in the coverage under the ECP.


When shall coverage under ECP start?

For employees, coverage in the program starts on the first day of employment, while for self-employed members, coverage starts on the first contribution payment.

Payment of ECP Contribution

Who pays the EC contribution?

The employers (regular and household) shall pay for the EC contribution of the employees/kasambahays. For a covered employee in the private sector, the employer shall remit to the SSS a monthly contribution in accordance with the following schedule:

Below ₱4,250 – ₱14,749.99 ₱4,000  – ₱14,500 ₱10
₱ 14,750 and above ₱ 15,000 and above ₱30

The same amount of EC contributions shall apply for Self-employed members.


When does the obligation of the employer to remit EC monthly contributions for his employee begin and ends? How about for SE members?

The obligation of the employer to remit EC contributions starts within the first ten (10) calendar days following the month when said contributions are due and applicable. Otherwise, the employer shall pay the prescribed penalty.

When a covered employee dies, becomes disabled or is separated from employment, the employer’s obligation to pay the monthly contribution arising from that employment shall cease at the end of the month of contingency. Likewise, when a covered employee becomes disabled during employment, the employer’s obligation to pay the monthly contribution shall be suspended during such months that former is not receiving wages or salary.

For SE members, as long as the member is working and is willing and able to continue membership under the SSS and the ECP, he/she is obliged to pay EC contributions. This obligation ceases if the SE can no longer work for a living.


Can an SE pay their contributions in advance?

Yes. An SE may pay contributions in advance, regardless of number of months or years. However, in case of changes in the SSS contribution rate or MSC that are approved and implemented in the interim period, those who paid in advance may incur underpayments or out-of-bracket/ineffective payments. To ensure that their advance contributions are retained at their intended MSC level, affected members must settle the underpayment, otherwise, their contributions would be posted at the applicable lower MSC level.

Advanced payments are only considered for the computation of benefits when the month corresponding to the payment has transpired.


What happens to SE contributions that are paid late?

Payments made after the due date shall be applied prospectively, thus, missed months shall remain as payment gaps.


Benefits under ECP

What are the benefits under ECP?

INCOME BENEFITS or a cash benefit given to a worker to compensate for loss of income due to inability to work. There are three (3) types of loss of income benefits:

  • Temporary Total Disability (TTD). A total disability is temporary if as a result of the injury or sickness, the employee or SE member is unable to perform any gainful occupation for a continuous period not exceeding 120 days except where such injury or sickness still requires medical attendance beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 days from onset of disability in which case benefit for temporary total disability shall be paid. The minimum and maximum daily sickness allowances effective May 19, 2018 is ₱110.00 and ₱480.00, respectively. (Per ECC Board Resolution No. 18-06-26 dated June 21, 2018).
  • Permanent Total Disability (PTD) means an incapacity to perform gainful work which is expected to be permanent. This status does not require a condition of complete helplessness but means disablement of an employee or SE member to earn wages in the same kind of work or work of a similar nature that the employee/SE member was trained for or accustomed to perform or any kind of work which a person of same mentality and attainment could do.

The following disabilities shall also be deemed total and permanent:

    • Complete loss of sight of both eyes;
    • Loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrist;
    • Permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
    • Brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity; and
    • Such cases as determined by the SSS and approved by the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC).
  • Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefit is given to a worker who loses a body part and, consequently, the loss of the use of that body part.

NOTE: The amount of P1,150.00 shall be granted as an additional benefit to all EC permanent disability (partial and total) and EC death pensioners effective 01 January 2017.


MEDICAL SERVICES, APPLIANCES AND SUPPLIES – it includes reimbursement of the cost of medicine for the illness or injury, payment to providers of medical care, hospital care, surgical expenses and the costs of appliances and supplies. The medical services are limited to ward services during confinement in hospitals duly accredited by the Department of Health (DOH).


REHABILITATION SERVICES – involves the provision of remedial treatment, vocational assessment and preparation, which is designed to meet the individual needs of each handicapped employee/SE member to restore him/her to suitable employment and to help each person with work-related disability (PWRD) to develop mental, vocational, or social potential.

Rehabilitation services may be in the form of any of the following:

  • Medical-surgical management;
  • Hospitalization;
  • Necessary appliances and supplies;
  • Physical restoration;
  • Psychosocial counseling;
  • Psychiatric evaluation;
  • Skills training;
  • Entrepreneur training;
  • Hearing impairment evaluation;
  • Visual impairment evaluation; and
  • Job referral


CARER’S ALLOWANCE is provided to an employee who suffers from a permanent partial or permanent total disability as a result of a work-related contingency arising out of employment. Effective May 19, 2018, the amount of Carer’s Allowance for EC permanent disability (both total and partial) is ₱1,000.00 monthly.


FUNERAL BENEFIT in the amount of P30,000.00 paid upon the EC-compensable death of an employee, SE or permanently totally disabled pensioners to one of the following:

  1. The surviving spouse
  2. The legitimate child who spent for the funeral services, or
  3. Any other person who can show proof of his having borne the funeral expenses.


DEATH BENEFIT which include EC death pension granted to beneficiaries of an employee or SE member who died as a result of compensable sickness or injury.

The primary beneficiaries of the deceased employee/SE member are entitled to an income benefit if the employee died as a result of a work-related injury or sickness, together with an additional ten percent (10%) of the monthly pension granted to each minor dependent child, not exceeding five (5), counted from the youngest and without substitution.

Qualifying Conditions and Availment

What are the qualifying conditions?

  1. Member’s sickness, injury or death should be work-connected;
  2. Employee has been duly reported to SSS; or member has been covered by SSS as SE effective 01 September 2020
  3. SSS has been notified of such sickness, injury, or death.

Rules on notification:

The ER should be notified of the EE’s sickness, injury, or death within five (5) days from occurrence of the contingency. Notice is not necessary if the contingency occurred during working hours, at the place of work, and with the knowledge of the employer or representative.

For SE, notification must be made directly to SSS within five (5) calendar days after the start of the home confinement. For hospital confinement, notification to the SSS must be made within one (1) year from date of hospital discharge.

NOTE: All leave credits with pay for the current year need not be exhausted before a member can avail of sickness benefit under EC.


When can an accident be considered to have risen out of and in the course of employment?

An accident may be considered to have risen out of and in the course of employment/self-employment when it happened:

  • At the workplace;
  • While performing official functions;
  • Outside of the workplace, but performing an order/instruction of the employer;
  • When going to or coming home from work;
  • While ministering to personal comfort;
  • While in a company shuttle bus; or
  • During a company-sponsored activity


What are the limitations/exclusions of the grant of ECP benefits?

No compensation shall be granted in cases when the member’s sickness, injury, disability, or death resulted from any of the following:

  • Intoxication/Drunkenness;
  • Willful intention to injure or kill oneself or another
  • Notorious negligence


When shall EC claims be filed?

EC claims must be filed within a period of three (3) years from the time the cause of action accrued.

  • In case of sickness: from the last confinement, in case of multiple confinements due to the same illness, or from the last time the employee was unable to report for work due to illness, whichever is applicable
  • In case of injury: from the time of the incident
  • In case of death: from the date of death


When does the three-year prescriptive period in the filing of EC claims stop?

Under EC Board Resolution No. 10-03-45 (Mar. 17, 2010), when a claimant filed a claim for disability or death benefit before the SSS, under the SSS Law, the claim for EC benefits for the same incident should be considered as filed.

The filing of disability or death benefits under the SSS Law within three (3) years from the time the cause of action accrued would stop the running of the prescriptive period.


What is an EC logbook and how important is it?

All employers shall keep a logbook to record chronologically the sickness, injury, or death of their employees, setting forth therein their names, dates, and places of the contingency, nature of the contingency, and absences. Entries in the logbook shall be made within five (5) days from notice of knowledge of the occurrence of the contingency. Within five (5) days after entry in the logbook, the employer shall report to the SSS only those contingencies deemed work-connected.

All entries in the employer’s logbook shall be made by the employer or any authorized official after verification of the contingencies or the employee’s absences for a period of a day or more. Upon request by the SSS, the employer shall furnish the necessary certificate regarding information about any contingency appearing in the logbook, citing the entry number, page number, and date. Such logbook shall be made available for inspection to the duly authorized representative of the SSS.


Who are considered as qualified beneficiaries?

The beneficiaries shall be either primary or secondary, and determined at the time of employee’s death.


  • The legitimate spouse living with the employee, or a legitimate spouse separated with the employee at the time of the employee’s death until the person remarries; and
  • Legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted or acknowledged natural children, who are unmarried, not gainfully employed, not over 21 years of age, or over 21 years of age- provided that they are incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to physical or mental disability that is congenital or acquired during minority;Provided further, that a dependent acknowledged natural child shall be considered as a primary beneficiary only when there are no other dependent children who are qualified and eligible for monthly income benefit; andProvided finally, that if there are two or more acknowledged natural children, they shall be counted from the youngest and without substitution, but not exceeding five (per ECC Resolution No. 2799, July 25, 1984).


  • The legitimate parents wholly dependent upon the employee/SE member for regular support;
  • The legitimate descendants and illegitimate children who are unmarried, not gainfully employed, not over 21 years of age, or over 21 years of age provided he/she is incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to physical or mental defect which is congenital or acquired during minority.

NOTE: Primary beneficiaries shall have priority claim to death benefits over secondary beneficiaries. Whenever there are primary beneficiaries, no death benefit shall be paid to the secondary beneficiaries.

However, if the deceased member has no primary and secondary beneficiaries at the time of death, the benefit will accrue to the EC Fund.

EC Temporary Total Disability or Sickness

For employed-members

  1. Accident/Sickness Report from employer and Police Report (in case of vehicular accident with third party involvement)
  2. Photocopy of page of employer’s logbook (manual or electronic filing) containing the description of the accident/sickness
  3. Other supporting medical documents, if needed

NOTE: Filing of sickness notification for EC claims of employed members shall be done by employer through their SSS Web account but the payment of EC sickness benefit once sickness notification was approved shall be made directly to the employee’s enrolled disbursement account in the DAEM.


For self-employed, those separated from employment

  • If confinement period applied for is within the period of employment or prior to date of separation:
    • Accident/Sickness Report from employer and Police Report (in case of vehicular accident with third party involvement)
    • Certificate of separation from employment indicating the effective date of separation and that no advance payment was granted signed by the Human Resource (HR) Manager
    • Other supporting medical documents, if needed


Additional documentary requirement for member separated from employment

  • If confinement period applied for is after the date of separation:
    • Certificate of separation from employment indicating the effectivity date of separation (signed by the Human Resource (HR) Manager)

In lieu of the Certificate of Separation, an SE/VM (previously employed), or member separated from employment shall submit the required document/s based on the following conditions:

  • If company is on strike:
    • Notice of strike duly acknowledged by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE); and
    • Duly notarized Affidavit of Undertaking issued by the member stating that no advanced payment was granted
  • If company has been dissolved or has ceased operation:
    • Duly notarized Affidavit of Undertaking issued by the member indicating the effective date of separation and that no advance payment was granted
  • If there is a case pending before a court regarding separation of member:
    • Certification from DOLE; and
    • Duly notarized Affidavit of Undertaking issued by the member indicating the effective date of separation and that no advance payment was granted
  • If separated from employment due to absence without leave (AWOL) or with strained relations with the employer:
    • Duly notarized Affidavit of Undertaking issued by the member indicating the effective date of separation and that no advance payment was granted

NOTE: Filing of EC sickness claims for self-employed and member separated from employment shall be done by member through their My.SSS  account and the payment of EC sickness benefit once approved shall be made directly to the member’s enrolled disbursement account in DAEM.

EC Disability

  1. Disability Claim Application
  2. Member’s/Claimant’s Photo and Signature Card (with 1×1 photo and fingerprints)
  3. SSS Medical Certificate Form accomplished by the member’s attending physician
  4. Physical Examination (PE) report signed by the member’s attending physician, if the incident happened abroad
  5. Accident/Sickness Report from employer and Police Report (in case of vehicular accident with third party involvement)
  6. SS ID/UMID card or any other government-issued ID cards/documents
  7. Other supporting medical documents, if needed (such as photocopy of page of employer’s logbook for those with previously approved SN Form approved as EC)
  8. Photocopy/Scanned copy of any of the following bank documents to ascertain correctness of bank account information:
    • ATM card (with account number)
    • Bank Account Passbook (single savings)
    • Bank Statement/Certificate
    • Validated Deposit Slip/Savings Account
    • Number card
    • Visa Cash Card Enrollment Form

In the absence of these, a Written Request for Exemption stating the reason of inability to open an account.

NOTE: Supporting medical documents from a foreign country should be with English translation and either stamped “Certified True Copy” or authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate Office, or notarized by notary public from the host country.


Additional documentary requirements

  • If unable to personally file the disability claim
    • Map of sketch of member’s residence or place of confinement, if a local resident
  • If under the guardianship of the spouse, parent, or another person
    • Special Power of Attorney (SPA) or Affidavit of Guardianship, if the guardian is the spouse or in the absence of the spouse, the parent of the member
    • Application for Representative Payee and Guarantor’s Bond Form, if the guardian is a person other than the spouse or parent
    • In-Trust-For (ITF) savings account
  • If with dependent child/ren (for total disability pension)
    • Certified true copy of member’s Marriage Contract/Certificate duly registered with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or the Local Civil Registry (LCR)
    • In the absence of a Marriage Contract/Certificate:
      • Certificate of non-availability of Marriage Contract/Certificate from PSA;
      • Certificate of Non-Marriage (CENOMAR);
      • Marriage certification from the Parish/Church/Imam; or
      • Joint Affidavit of two (2) witnesses to the wedding;
      • Birth certificate of any two (2) among the children, with the names of their parents as well as the place and time of marriage indicated in both documents
    • Certified true copy/ies of the legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted child/ren’s Birth Certificate/s duly registered with PSA or LCR
    • In the absence of Birth Certificate/s:
      • Certificate of non-availability of Birth Certificate from PSA; and
      • Certified true copy of Baptismal Certificate from Parish/Church bearing the original signature (not stamped) of the parish priest or the authorized representative
      • In the absence of Baptismal Certificate (but with certificate of non-availability from the Parish/Church):
        • Any of the following documents showing the names and relationship between member and child/ren or dependent/s:
          • School cards/records of child/ren or dependent/s
          • Educational/Insurance plans
          • Member’s employment records
          • PhilHealth/GSIS/Pag-IBIG records
      • Legal adoption papers for legally adopted child/ren (adoption date must be prior to contingency date)
      • Any of the following documents concerning illegitimate child/ren (for disabilities beginning May 24, 1997):
        • Certified true copy/ies of the illegitimate child/ren’s Birth Certificate/s duly registered with PSA or LCR;
        • In the absence of Birth Certificate/s:
          • Will or testament;
          • Court Statement
          • Any legitimate scriptures such as letter or diary
      • Medical certificate of handicapped child from attending physician and duly certified by the SSS Medical Specialist
      • Claim for Dependent’s Pension Benefit (SS Form BPN-106), if the guardian is the spouse or parent; or
      • Application for Representative Payee and Guarantor’s Bond Form, if the guardian is a person other than the spouse or parent or if the qualified child/ren or dependent/s is/are under guardianship of the same person

EC Medical Reimbursement

  1. EC Medical Reimbursement Application Forms 1 and 2, if with approved EC sickness
  2. Photocopy of page of employer’s logbook (manual or electronic filing) containing the description of the accident/sickness
  3. Accident Report
  4. SS ID/UMID card or any other government-issued ID cards/documents
  5. Other supporting documents:
    • For work-related sickness:
      • Pre-employment physical examination report, chest X-ray, or ECG, if any
      • Certificate of length of service and complete job description from employer
      • Certified true copy of hospital abstract
    • For work-related accidents outside the workplace:
      • Employee’s destination and purpose of travel as certified by employer
      • Police report (in case of vehicular accident or medico legal incident)
      • Hospital abstract or Emergency Room records


Additional documentary requirements

  • For Employer/Member Payee
    • Original Official Receipt (OR) bearing BIR permit number of all medical expenses, including professional fees. In cases where the OR is in the custody of PhilHealth or any other Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), a certified true copy of the receipt duly signed by a PhilHealth official or an HMO authorized representative may be submitted
    • Original charge slips/statement of account with an attached list or breakdown of expenses
  • For Hospital Payee
    • Original charge slips/statement of account with an attached list or breakdown of expenses
  • For Doctor Payee
    • Clinical records showing the following:
      • Services rendered
      • Total count and dates of visits, if hospitalized
      • Operating Room Record, if needed

EC Death

For Employed Members:

  1. Death Claim Application
  2. Member’s/Claimant’s Photo and Signature Card (with 1×1 photo and fingerprints)
  3. Member’s Death Certificate duly registered with the LCR or issued by PSA or Vital Statistics Office of another country/county of host country or Report of Death issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General
  4. Sworn Statement or Filer’s Affidavit
  5. Affidavit of Death Benefit (SS Form CLD-1.3A)
  6. Single savings account passbook/ATM/UMID/debit or cash card enrolled as ATM/accomplished cash card enrolment form/validated initial deposit slip or bank certificate/statement duly signed by the bank
    • If the ATM card of a female claimant is under her maiden name, a Marriage Contract/Certificate may be submitted
    • If the claimant is unable to open a bank account or apply a debit/cash card, a Written Request for the exemption in the Pensioner’s Remittance Program may be submitted
  7. SS ID/UMID card or any other government-issued ID cards/documents
  8. If due to accident:
    • Accident Report/Report of Death (Form BPN 105)
    • Statement of Duties and Responsibilities duly signed by the ER
    • Mission/Job or Travel Order duly signed by the ER, when applicable
    • Photocopy of page in the company logbook/record of accident signed by the ER
    • Police investigation report or ER’s report of injury, death, or casualty spot report, when applicable
    • Joint affidavit (preferably by the relatives of deceased member) that the deceased member has no legal impediment to marry, if with dependent illegitimate children.

If due to illness

    • Accident Report/Report of Death (SS Form BPN-105)
    • Statement of duties and responsibilities duly signed by the ER
    • Pre-employment medical records
    • Photocopy of page in the company logbook/record of accident/sickness signed by the ER

9. Joint Affidavit of two co-workers attesting that the member’s cause of death is work-connected, if the company has been dissolved or has ceased operation


Additional documentary requirements

  • If filer is a primary beneficiary
    • Deceased member’s Marriage Contract duly registered with PSA or LCR
    • Death Certificate duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA
    • Minor child/ren’s Birth Certificate/s, if any, duly registered with the LCR or issued by PSA or the foreign government or Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General
    • Joint Affidavit of two (2) relatives attesting that the deceased member and live-in partner have no legal deterrence to marry if with illegitimate child
  • If filer is a secondary beneficiary
    • Birth Certificate of deceased member duly registered with the LCR or issued by PSA
    • Death Certificate duly registered with the LCR or issued by PSA of the following, if applicable:
      • Of the spouse, if the deceased member was a widow upon death
      • Of the dependent child/ren
      • Of the parent, if either the father/mother already passed away
    • Marriage Certificate of the member’s parents
    • Affidavit for dependent for support of parents (using prescribed form)
    • Illegitimate child/ren’s Birth Certificate/s, if any, duly registered with the LCR or issued by PSA or the foreign government or Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General, if with illegitimate child

NOTE: If the member dies at the age of 65, the parent’s death certificate is no longer needed.

  • If filer is a guardian of a handicapped claimant other than the parent or surviving spouse/common-law spouse
    • Application for Representative Payee (CLD-15) and Guarantor’s Bond Form (BPN 107)
    • Member’s/Claimant’s Photo and Signature Card
    • In-Trust-For Savings Account
    • Medical Certificate issued by the claimant’s attending physician within three months from the date of filing of claim and duly certified by the SSS Medical Specialist
  • If dependent child is handicapped and the guardian is the member’s parent
    • Application for Representative Payee (CLD-15) and Guarantor’s Bond Form (BPN-107)
    • Member’s/Claimants Photo and Signature Card
    • In-Trust-For Savings Account
    • Medical Certificate issued by the claimant’s attending physician within three months from the date of filing of claim and duly certified by the SSS Medical Specialist
  • If dependent child is handicapped and the guardian is the surviving legal or common-law spouse
    • Medical Certificate issued by the dependent child’s attending physician within three months from the date of filing of claim and duly certified by the SSS Medical Specialist


For Self-employed Members:

  1. Death Claim Application (DCA) Form
  2. Member’s/Claimant’s Photo and Signature Form
  3. Death Certificate of the deceased SE duly registered with LCR or issued by the PSA
    • If died abroad:
      • Death Certificate of deceased SE issued by the Vital Statistic Office/County of host country or its equivalent or Report of Death issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General
  4. Affidavit of undertaking executed by the claimant stating the nature of work of the SE, if applicable (not required if funeral benefit is already settled)
  5. Police Report; or Certification of the incident from organization/association (if SE is member of an organization or association); or Certification issued by barangay where the incident happened with Official Receipt, if applicable; or duly notarized eyewitness report; or Medical certificate and supporting medical records
  6. Single savings account passbook/ATM/UMID card enrolled as ATM/debit or cash card/accomplished cash card enrollment form/validated deposit slip/bank certificate or statement duly signed by the bank’s authorized signatory with indicated name of claimant, savings account number, bank branch and address
    NOTE: If name of member and/or savings account number is not indicated in the ATM card, submit either:
    – Copy of duly-validated deposit slip; or
    – Copy of bank statement/certificateIf claimant cannot open a bank account or apply a debit/cash card, submit a written request for exemption for Pensioner’s Remittance Program stating reason for the request.
  7. Filer’s valid identification card/documentsNOTE: Expired IDs shall be accepted as identification, provided it has signature and photo


Additional documentary requirements:

  • If filed by Primary Beneficiary/ies (legal spouse and dependent child/ren)
    • Marriage Certificate of deceased member duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA
    • If deceased member was married abroad
      • Marriage Certificate with English translation issued by foreign government or Report of Marriage issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General
    • Birth Certificate of dependent child/ren duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA, if applicable
    • If dependent child is born abroad
      • Birth Certificate with English translation issued by foreign government or Report of Birth issued by Philippine Embassy or Consulate General
  • If filed by an illegitimate child/children:
    • Birth certificate of dependent child/ren duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA, if applicable
    • If dependent child is born abroad
      • Birth Certificate with English translation issued by foreign government or Report of Birth issued by Philippine Embassy or Consulate General
    • Joint affidavit (preferably by the relatives of deceased SE) that the deceased member has no legal impediment to marry
    • If filed by Secondary Beneficiary/ies: (Dependent parents and illegitimate child/children)
      • Birth Certificate of deceased member duly registered with LCR or issued by the PSA
      • Birth Certificate of illegitimate dependent child/children duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA, if applicable
    • If illegitimate dependent child is born abroad
      • Birth Certificate with English translation issued by foreign government or Report of Birth issued by Philippine Embassy or Consulate General
      • Affidavit attesting to the parent’s dependency for support from the deceased member (Prescribed Form)
      • Death Certificate duly registered with LCR or issued by the PSA of the following, whichever is applicable
        1. Spouse, if deceased member is a widow/widower at the time of death
        2. Dependent child/ren
        3. Parent, if one of the parents is already deceased
  • If filed by authorized representative of the claimant/s
    • Two (2) valid ID cards/documents of the claimant and representative
    • Letter of Authority (LOA) signed by the claimant or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) specifically stating the authority to file and/or sign for and in behalf of the claimant

LOA/SPA should have been made or executed within six (6) months if issued in the Philippines and one (1) year if issued abroad.

If claimant is in abroad, LOA/SPA should be certified by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General.

NOTE: Other documents may still be requested based on the results of interview.

EC Funeral

Primary Document: Funeral Claim Application (FCA) Form

Plus any of the following proof of member’s death:

  1. Member’s SS ID/UMID card
  2. Member Data Change Request (SS Form E-4)/Contribution Collection List (SS Form R-3)/Personal Records Form (SS Form E-1)/other membership application forms stamped received by SSS (RS-1, NW-1, and OW-1)/Validated Contributions Payment (SS Form RS-5)/Member Loans Payment (SS Form ML-1)
  3. Employment Record indicating the member’s SS Number such as company ID and pay slip
  4. Letter/Certification showing the correct SS Number issued by SSS prior to member’s death

In the absence of the aforementioned, any of the following may be submitted:

Birth Certificate Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Form
Baptismal Certificate GSIS Member’s Record
Marriage Contract/Certificate Life Insurance Policy
Philippine Health Insurance (PHIC) Member’s Data Form School Records
Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG) Member’s Data Form Business Permit/Registration of Business Name or any proof of business operations


ID cards/documents to prove claimant’s identity

The primary ID card is the UMID card or any other government-issued ID cards/documents with photo and signature, and undergone biometric data capture process such as the following:

Social Security (SS) ID Passport
Alien Certificate of Registration Permit to Carry Firearms Outside of Residence
Driver’s License Postal Identity card
Firearm Registration Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (Seaman’s Book)
License to Own and Possess Firearms Voter’s ID card
NBI clearance

In the absence of primary ID cards/documents, any two (2) secondary ID cards/documents, both with signature and at least one with photo.

  • If filer is the claimant’s authorized representative, the following may be submitted:
    • Valid IDs of the claimant’s authorized representative
    • Letter of Authority/Special Power of Attorney, which is valid up to six (6) months or one (1) year upon issuance in the Philippines or abroad, respectively, unless otherwise stated or removed by individual granting the authorization.


Additional documentary requirements

A. Deceased Member’s Death Certificate

  • If member’s body was buried/cremated in the Philippines, any of the following may be submitted:
    • Death Certificate duly registered with the LCR or issued by PSA
    • Certification of Death with official seal of Office of Civil Registry and duly signed by its authorized representative
    • In the absence of the aforementioned, any of the following may be submitted:
      • Certificate of non-availability issued by LCR or PSA; and
      • Certification of Death from Parish/Church or Certification of Burial from caretaker of cemetery or Certification of Cremation

NOTE: Late-registered Death Certificates shall be accepted only if the following information are reflected:

    • Registry Number
    • Name and signature of OCR’s authorized representative
    • Date received by LCR/PSA
    • Sworn statement found on the back page of Death Certificate stating the reason of late registration
      Without erasures, alterations, additions, and superimpositions
  • If member’s body was buried/cremated abroad or if member died abroad but body was buried/cremated in the Philippines: Death Certificate issued by the Vital Statistics Office/County of host country or its equivalent

B. Original Official Receipt (OR) with BIR registration of expenses incurred for funeral/burial services bearing the names of claimant and deceased member

  • If person named in the OR is not the claimant, submit a notarized waiver from person named in the OR
  • If without original OR (lost/submitted to other agencies), submit a certified true copy of the receipt or certification from the funeral parlor/memorial service indicating the details of expenses incurred for member’s funeral/burial services
  • If without original OR and member’s body is not buried yet, submit a Funeral Service Contract from the funeral parlor/memorial service
  • If without original OR and funeral parlor/memorial service has not been paid yet, submit a Provisional Receipt from the funeral parlor/memorial service

NOTE: In lieu of the OR, the original of the following documents may be submitted

  • If the memorial/insurance plan is named after the deceased member, submit a Certification of Availment from the memorial/insurance life plan company (for preferred beneficiary only).
  • If the memorial/insurance plan is named after the claimant, submit a Certification of Availment from the memorial/insurance life plan company stating the name and date of demise of deceased member
    • If name of deceased member is not indicated in the Certification of Availment, submit a Notarized Affidavit from the plan holder allowing the deceased member to utilize the memorial/insurance plan
  • If the memorial/insurance plan is not named after the deceased member or claimant, submit a Certification of Availment from the memorial/insurance life plan company and any of the following, if applicable:
    • Transfer Certificate
    • Deed of Sale
    • Deed of Donation
    • Affidavit of Sale from the plan holder
  • For expenses incurred for funeral/burial services without corresponding OR/contract, submit a notarized Affidavit of Funeral Expenses or Sinumpaang Salaysay sa Pinagbayaran sa Pagpapalibing


Additional documentary requirements

  • If member’s death/cause of death is work-related, the following documents duly signed by the authorized representative must be submitted:
    • Death due to accident
      • Accident Report/Report of Death Form (SS Form BPN-105)
      • Statement of duties and responsibilities duly signed by the employer
      • Updated service record
      • Police investigation report or Employer’s report regarding the injury/death or casualty spot report, when applicable
      • Mission/Job or Travel Order duly signed by the employer, when applicable
      • Photocopy of page of employer’s logbook containing the description of the accident duly signed by the employer
    • Death due to sickness
      • Accident Report/Report of Death Form (SS Form BPN-105)
      • Statement of duties and responsibilities duly signed by the employer
      • Updated service record
      • Photocopy of page of employer’s logbook containing the description of the sickness duly signed by the employer
      • Pre-employment medical record


For Self-employed Members:

  1. Funeral Claim Application (FCA Form)
  2. Death Certificate of the deceased SE duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA
    • If died abroad:
      • Death Certificate of deceased SE issued by the Vital Statistic Office/County of host country or its equivalent or Report of Death issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General
  3. Official Receipt (OR) for funeral expenses with BIR registration bearing the name of the claimant and the deceased member
    • Notarized affidavit of Funeral Expenses in the absence of OER
  4. Affidavit of undertaking executed by the claimant stating the nature of work by the SE
  5. Police Report; or Certification of the incident from organization/association (if SE is member of an organization or association); or Certification issued by barangay where the incident happened with Official Receipt; or duly notarized eyewitness report; or Medical Certificate and supporting medical records, if applicable
  6. Proof to establish SSS membership of deceased member:
    • Social Security Card (SS ID)/UMID Card
    • Duly received SSS Form Record (SE record)
    • Letter/Certification document with indicated correct SS number previously issued by SSS prior to death of member
  7. Filer’s valid identification card/documents

NOTE: Expired IDs shall be accepted as identification, provided it has signature and photo.

Where to file

Where are EC claims filed?

EC benefit claims may be filed at any SSS branch that is most convenient to the member or claimant.