A Voluntary Member (VM) is one who was previously covered as an SSS member either as an EE, SE, or OFW with at least one (1) valid posted contribution and is no longer engaged or working as either an EE, SE, OFW, or has no income/earnings as such for a given period and opts to continue paying contributions on a voluntary basis to maintain his/her right to full SSS benefits.
Coverage as a VM is subject to the following conditions:
- A member who is 60 years old and above (but not yet 65) with 120 contributions or more may continue paying as a VM until he/she reaches 65 years old to avail of full benefits.
- A member who is 65 years old and above with less than 120 contributions may continue paying contributions as a VM until he/she completes the required 120 contributions to be eligible for retirement pension.
There is no need to accomplish any form nor present any supporting document. When generating the Payment Reference Number (PRN) through SSS online facilities such as My.SSS and SSS Mobile App, prior to payment of contributions, member should choose “Voluntary Member” as Membership Type. This will automatically change the membership status of the member and shall be deemed as declaration that he/she has ceased to be an EE, SE, or an OFW member, and/or that he/she did not have any income or earnings either as such in the period for which VM contributions were paid.
Read more about paying contributions
Effects of non-remittance of contribution
A VM who fails to remit contributions after membership is approved may only pay the monthly contributions prospectively. The months without posted contributions shall already be considered as “gaps” and back-payment to fill those gaps, or payment of contributions retroactively, is not allowed.
Securing an SS number does not automatically mean a person is already covered as a member. By definition, a VM is one who already has at least one month contribution as a previous EE, SE, or OFW member and thus, has an existing Date of Coverage, which is essential in determining a member’s eligibility for benefits. Paying initial contributions as a VM will render them void and subject to refund.
Even when there are periods when no contributions are remitted, the benefits and loan privileges provided by the SSS can still be availed of, as long as the member meets the qualifying conditions for entitlement thereto.
Contribution and Payment
The amount of monthly contribution to be paid by members is always based on the latest Schedule of Contributions issued by the SSS.
The Monthly Salary Credit (MSC) and corresponding amount of contribution for VMs shall be determined as follows:
- If coverage as VM is for the first time, the member shall have the option to choose any MSC from the existing Contribution Schedule, regardless of his/her age and last posted MSC prior to becoming a VM.
- For succeeding coverage as VM (i.e., a VM turned EE/SE/OFW and subsequently reverts to being a VM), the MSC is subject to the policies under Change in MSC.
Changing the MSC
1. A VM who is below 55 years old can change his/her MSC without limit in frequency and in number of salary brackets in a given calendar year, but in no case shall it be lower than the prevailing minimum MSC. Submission of written request is not required.
2. A VM who is 55 years old and above, however, can increase his/her MSC only once in a given calendar year and by one (1) salary bracket only from the last posted MSC, except for the following cases whereby certain rules shall apply accordingly:
- In case of a change in his/her membership type from EE/SE to “VM” for the first time, he/she shall be allowed to increase his/her MSC without limit; and
- In case of a higher maximum MSC under a new applicable Schedule of Contributions, he/she shall be allowed to increase his/her MSC up to the new maximum MSC, provided that his/her last posted MSC corresponds to the maximum MSC under the immediately preceding Schedule of Contributions.
The corresponding MSC of the first contribution in the above cases shall be the basis in determining compliance with the allowable change in succeeding MSC.
3. No limit in frequency and amount shall be imposed in case of decrease in MSC, but in no case shall it be lower than the prevailing minimum MSC.
VMs may pay their contributions through any of the following channels:
- SSS Branches with Tellering Facilities
- SSS-accredited banks (over-the-counter and partner bank’s website and mobile app)
- SSS non-bank collecting partners (over-the-counter and collecting partner’s website and mobile app)
- SSS Mobile App
A VM who fails to remit contributions after membership is approved may only pay the monthly contributions prospectively. The months without posted contributions shall already be considered as “gaps” and back-payment to fill those gaps (i.e., retroactive payment of contributions) is not allowed.